# Moderation

Name Description Example
/warn Warn a member /warn member:@vNziie-- reason:Spamming!
/warnings View a member's warnings -
/delwarn Remove a warning by ID /delwarn id:059185
/kick Kick a member from the server /kick member:@vNziie-- reason:More spam
/ban Ban a member from the server /ban member:@vNziie-- reason:Stop spamming!
/purge Purge messags from the current channel (max 1,000) /purge amount:10


You can force-ban a member if they aren't in the server by using the /ban command like normal, but the bot will provide you with a Yes or No prompt of whether you'd like to force ban them because they aren't in the server. Click the Yes button and it will force ban the user from the server.

Force-ban prompt
Force-ban prompt

# Customizable Embeds

The following configurations edit responses and user DMs ( notes the configuration is unlocked when purchasing premium).

  • moderation.ban.response
  • moderation.ban.user_dm
  • moderation.kick.response
  • moderation.kick.user_dm
  • moderation.mute.response
  • moderation.mute.user_dm
  • moderation.warn.response
  • moderation.warn.user_dm

# Cases

We've implemented our own cases system so you can look back on a user's history, even if they aren't in the server.

Name Description Example
/case View a case by ID /case case_id:L18d60Gj63W
/cases View cases for the whole server for a user -
/createcase Create a custom case for a user /createcase member:@vNziie-- reason:I think they are a bad dev. proof:https://redirect.nziie.is-a.dev/proof