# Giveaways

Server Manager's giveaway system is similar and different compared to others. Server Manager allows you to use all features in giveaways that others don't. You can add extra entries, set required roles, set blacklisted roles, and more!

Name Description Example
/giveaways create Create a giveaway from scratch /giveaways start name:$5 Nitro duration: 1d
/giveaways end End a giveaway /giveaways end giveaway_id:1055584705577230478 *
/giveaways view View a specific giveaway or all giveaways /giveaways view giveaway_id:1055584705577230478 *
/giveaways delete Delete a giveaway /giveaways delete giveaway_id:1055584705577230478 * **

* The giveaway_id is the giveaway's message ID, you'll need to use that.

** Please use the /giveaways delete command when wanting to delete a giveaway, deleting the message doesn't remove it from the database and doing so can mean lower performance for your server specifically when managing giveaways.

# Customized Embeds

With the giveaway_embed configuration in the /config set command, you can customize the embed that is sent when a giveaway is hosted. See the Configurations tab for more info.


Currently, there is no feature to host a drop giveaway. However, we are always looking for community insights on new features we should add! Let us know in our support server if you'd like to see this in Server Manager.

Creating a giveaway
Creating a giveaway
(Reaction) Giveaway started
(Reaction) Giveaway started
(Button) Entering giveaway
(Button) Entering giveaway