# Configurations

# Commands

Name Description Example
/config show View all configurations, their current value, description, and more information on said configuration -
/config set Set a configuration by key /config set config:giveaway_embed
/config reset Reset a configuration to it's default value /config reset config:moderation.ban.user_dm

# Placeholders

Placeholders give you the ability to use variables in custom embeds, allowing you to use information from a command in those custom embed responses. For example, saying the duration of a mute in the moderation.mute.user_dm or moderation.mute.response embed in the mute command. This gives you full customization on how the bot responds to commands specifically for your server.

# Basic Placeholders

Placeholder Description
{user.name} User or the member argument in the command object, displays the usernameof that user
{user.full_name} User's username and discriminator (e.g. Wumpus#0000)
{user.avatar} User's avatar as a string, can be used in icon_url embed fields, if none returns Discord's default logo
{user.id} User's ID
{user.notified} 'Yes' or 'No' of whether the user was notified for an action or not, if not obtainable, returns 'No'
{guild.name} The guild the command is being used in, shows the guild (server)'s name
{guild.icon} Guild's icon as a string, if none, returns Discord's default logo; can be used in icon_url fields
{guild.id} Guild's ID
{author.name} Author of the commmand's name
{author.full_name} Author's username and discriminator (e.g. Wumpus#0000)
{author.avatar} Author's avatar as a string, can be used in icon_url embed fields, if none returns Discord's default logo
{author.id} Author's ID

# Moderation Placeholders

The following categories use these placeholders:

# Ban Placeholders

# Kick Placeholders

# Mute Placeholders

Placeholder Description
{case.id} Linked case ID
{duration} Duration of the action
{reason} Reason for the action

# Warn Placeholders

An extra placeholder is added in this category to show how many warnings a member has with the correct suffix.

Placeholder Description Example
{case.warning_number_with_suffix} Warning number with suffix (e.g. st, nd, rd, th, etc.) 1st

# Suggestions Placeholders

These placeholders are used in the suggestion.embed configuration.

Placeholder Description Example
{suggestion.content} Suggestion's content, what they are actually suggesting More updates!
{suggestion.id} Suggestion's generated ID, for future status marking, deleting, editing, etc. fXpVdLYn8BkCZ
{suggestion.future.upvotes} Raw number of upvotes the suggestion has 7
{suggestion.future.upvotes_percent} Calculated percent of upvotes compared to downvotes, this and {suggestion.future.downvotes_percent} add up to 100% 85%
{suggestion.future.downvotes} Raw number of downvotes the suggestion has 3
{suggestion.future.downvotes_percent} Calculated percent of downvotes compared to upvotes, this and {suggestion.future.upvotes_percent} add up to 100% 15%